Special Education Services & Supports » Georgia Parent Mentor Program

Georgia Parent Mentor Program

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MAJ (R) Nick Harris
Special Education Parent Mentor
5505 Altama Avenue
Brunswick, Georgia 31520
(912) 267-4100 ext. 2901

Office Hours: M,W,F -8:00-2:30


Mr. Eric Mowbray, Director

Working to Connect Families, Schools and Communities 

The Parent Mentor program is a parent-driven initiative by the Georgia Department of Education Division for Exceptional Students and Glynn County School System.  Your parent mentor is a parent of a child with a disability whose purpose is to advise, educate, and support other families and educators navigating through the special education process.  Your parent mentor works with and develops collaborative partnerships among parents, educators, agency personnel, support groups and other community members.  We are guides, collaborators, and most importantly, we are peers. Together, we can help our students with special needs get the special attention they deserve and find their pathway to educational success.

Our Mission


To develop understanding, trust, support, and educational opportunities which will enable parents and teachers to build effective home-school collaboration and provide our children the opportunity to reach their potential.


Our Vision


The vision of the Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership is Parent mentors and special education administrators will lead the way in Georgia to bridge the gap between home, school and community partnerships.


What does a Parent Mentor do?


A Parent Mentor may assist you in many ways, including but not limited to the following:


  • Provide you with information on the special education process of referral, evaluation, and placement.
  • Assist you in networking with parents and teachers.
  • Provide you accurate information through system educators and programs about your rights and responsibilities under IDEA and ESSA.
  • Assist you in preparing for your child’s Individual Education Program (IEP) meetings to enable you to be an active informed member of the team.
  • Direct you to resources available within and outside of the school system.
  • Provide parent/teacher training either individually or through workshops on topics parents have requested.
  • Provide feedback to the school system regarding areas that are of concern to parents and teachers.
  • Diffuse difficult situations between administrators and parents.
  • Develop a collaborative partnership of trust, respect, and common language to bring out our children’s fullest potential.
Additionally, our training helps us provide current and updated information about special education laws and policies.
Upcoming Events:
GA      All About Developmental Disabilities                                                        www.aadd.org
GA     Georgia Advocacy Office                                                                           www.thegao.org
GA     Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities                                        www.gcdd.org
Nat'l   Wrights Law                                                                                              www.wrightslaw.com
Assistive Technology
GA    Georgia Project for Assistive Technology                                                  www.gpat.org
GA    Tools for Life                                                                                              www.gatfl.org
Nat'l   Assistive Technology Industry Association                                               www.atia.org
GA    Georgia Department of Education                                                           www.doe.k12.ga.us
GA    Georgia Depart of Special Education                                                      www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-
Nat'l   National Center on Secondary Education and Transition                      www.ncset.org
Nat'l   Office of Special Education                                                                    www.osepideasthatwork.org
Nat'l    US Department of Education                                                                 www.ed.gov
GA    Employment First Georgia                                                                      www.employmentfirstgeorgia.org
GA     Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency                                             www.gvra.georgia.gov
Parent Resources
GA    Georgia Learning Resource Systems                                                     www.glrs.org
GA    Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership                                                        www.parentmentors.org
GA    Parent to Parent of Georgia                                                                    www.p2pga.org
GA    Parent to Parent of Georgia/Roadmap to Success                                 www.roadmap.p2p.org