Communication Academics Behavior Social Skills
The CABS program provides intensive support and instruction in the areas of communication, academics, behavior and social skills to students with characteristics of Autism.
Our goal for the CABS program is to gradually reduce the level of support required allowing greater participation in an inclusive General Education setting based on student SUCCESS.
Communication is addressed in all settings using a variety of methods, including alternative communication devices, visual communication systems, sign-language, and verbal and receptive expression.
Academics are addressed in all settings depending upon individual needs. Supportive and supplemental programs are implemented in addition to the general education curriculum.
Behavior is addressed in all school settings. Reinforcements, visual supports, sensory and positive behavior supports, functional behavior assessments, and behavior intervention plans are implemented on an individual basis.
Social Skills are addressed in all settings with specific teaching methods implemented through group or individual sessions using a social skills strategies and the TeachTown curriculum.
CABS (Communication Academics Behavior Social Skills)
What does a CABS student look like?
This student may have difficulty with communication- receptive and expressive difficulties. They may also have difficulty with non verbal communication. This student may speak with a different rhythm, prosody and/or volume than typical peers. They may need picture support to make choices or answer questions. This student may also have a very high vocabulary and be quite articulate.
A CABS student may struggle with the large group environment in a general education setting but be capable of general education academics with support. Some of the struggles in the academic setting may include peer dynamics, noise, lighting, teacher/work expectations, seating, academic expectations, fear of asking questions, or making requests, individual sensory needs, and transitions.
A CABS student may need more intensive behavior support. This student may struggle with impulsive body movements. This may include a range of behaviors from dysregulated to aggressive. This student may struggle with changes in routine and have very rigid thinking causing disruptive behavior that interrupts his/her learning or the learning of others.
Social Skills
A CABS student may struggle socially in all areas. This student may have difficulty making friends, engaging peers and adults, and understanding social cues. This may look like loner behavior or inappropriate attempts at humor causing the student to not be accepted by peers. They may also be easily led astray or taken advantage of by others.