Parents » Dress Code

Dress Code

Board Policy Descriptor Code: JCDA

The Glynn County Board of Education has adopted a policy that requires students to conduct themselves at all times according to established behavioral standards. These standards for behavior require students to respect each other and school district employees, to obey student behavior policies adopted by the Board and to obey student behavior rules established at each school in the district.

At the beginning of each school year, Behavior Contracts are sent home with each student.  Parents should review the Student Behavior Code and Behavior Contract with their child, sign the Behavior Contract and return it to school.

Student Dress Code

Board Policy Descriptor Code: JCDB

Student dress and appearance are the responsibility of the student and the parent. A student is expected to exercise good judgment in his/her choice of dress, making sure it is appropriate for school. Students are expected to be clean, neat, and appropriately dressed at all times while also complying with all school safety guidelines. Clothing, hairstyles, makeup, etc. must not be inflammatory, offensive, pose a safety hazard, or be a distraction to the learning of the individual or others. The determination as to the appropriateness of any item will be made by the faculty and administration, but the following guidelines should be followed.
  • Garments, jewelry, or articles of clothing should not display emblems related to alcohol, illegal or abusive substances, gangs, violence, sex, or obscenities.
  • Clothing must be free of words or symbols that are offensive or demeaning to others. This guideline applies to clothing worn at any school function.
  • Shorts, pants, skirts, and dresses must extend beyond the buttocks and must be visible at all times. Leggings may be worn if the shirt extends beyond the buttocks.
  • Shirts that expose cleavage, undergarments, bare midriff/stomach, bareback, or are sheer or revealing are not allowed. Shirts with straps must have straps over both shoulders and be at least 2 adult fingers across.
  • Hats, caps, sweatbands, bandanas, sunglasses, goggles, hair picks, hoodies, or other head coverings may not be worn while in school buildings. This is a safety concern.
  • Shoes must be worn at all times and should be appropriate for school activities. Stiletto heels, bedroom slippers/shoes, and other footwear similar in description are not allowed.
  • Long chains with heavy medallions or pocket chains are not allowed.
  • Current school-issued identification badges are required for all students. IDs should be visibly worn on a lanyard around the neck. IDs must not be defaced in any manner.
  • Sleepwear, including pajamas and blankets, will not be permitted at school.
Certain school environments or classes may require more restrictive dress due to safety issues.

Any other attire deemed to be indecent, inappropriate, or disruptive to the school learning environment will be addressed by school administrators on an as-needed basis.
Dress attire in individual schools may vary based on grade and age appropriateness. Additional guidelines to this policy would be stipulated in an addendum in the school’s handbook.

Glynn County Schools
Date Adopted: 1/1/1974
Last Revised: 8/9/2022