Schools » Attendance Zones

Attendance Zones

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All schools are divided by geographical territorial zones.  These zones are set up by the administration with the approval of the Board of Education.  Children who live within a school’s geographical zone will attend that school.  Such zones may vary from year to year, depending upon housing patterns and shifting populations.


Students must attend the school for which they are zoned unless an Intro-district Transfer (formerly called Out-of-zone attendance) has been approved.  However, high school students will be allowed to remain in the high school they are attending if they have met promotion requirements to enter an 11th-grade homeroom.  In those cases, students will be eligible to remain in high school for the completion of their high school career with full privileges, including performance eligibility, as long as they maintain the requirements as set forth in the Georgia High School Association.  Permissive transfers from one high school to another do not carry eligibility with the Georgia High School Association.


Elementary and middle school students and high school freshmen and sophomores who move into a new school zone before the end of the first semester must move to the school for which their new address is zoned.  Students who move into a new school zone during the second semester may be granted administrative approval to remain in their current school until the end of the school year.  Application for Intra-District Transfer may then be made for the following school year.


Approval of an Intra-district Transfer request will be considered as long as there is classroom space available at the requested school after the assigned students have been enrolled.  The school system may deny a transfer based on a lack of capacity to ensure adequate space for students who are provided provisions under federal law (e.g. students transferring from needs improvement or unsafe schools under the No Child Left Behind law, or students with disabilities whose Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP) calls for placement at a particular school).


Any student who has been granted permission to attend a school not in the student’s attendance zone cannot be transported by school bus.  (Parent or guardian must provide transportation.)


All full-time employees may request to enroll their own children at their school of employment or its associated feeder schools during the annual window or during the June window.