Title II, Part A - Supporting Effective Instruction
Title II, Part A funds, administered in Glynn County by the Director of Teaching and Learning, are used to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts improve teacher and principal quality and ensure that all teachers are highly qualified. Activities are based on a needs assessment and are aligned with state standards. Flexibility of the funds offer opportunities for the system to creatively address challenges to teacher quality, whether they concern teacher preparation and qualifications of new teachers, recruitment and hiring, induction, professional development, teacher retention, or the need for more capable principals and assistant principals to serve as effective school leaders.
The system does an annual needs assessment to determine appropriate activities. Although funds may be used to reduce class size, the system primarily uses Title II-A funds to implement activities, including the professional development provided to teachers and principals, that are aligned with challenging State academic content standards, student academic achievement standards, State assessments, and the curricula and programs tied to those standards. The activities must be supported by scientifically based research and be used as part of a broader strategy to eliminate the achievement gap that separates the performance of low-income and minority students. Funds may be used to for training to enable teachers to (1) teach to the needs of students with different learning styles - particularly students with disabilities, students with special learning needs (including those who are gifted and talented), and those with limited English proficiency; (2) improve student behavior in the classroom; (3) involve parents in their child’s education; and (4) understand and use data and assessments to improve classroom practice and student learning.