Title I Distinguished and Reward Schools
The Georgia Department of Education’s Academic Achievement Programs honor and reward K-12 Title I schools and school districts for significant progress in improving student achievement and/or making significant progress in closing achievement gaps.
A Title I Distinguished School is a Title I school among the top 5% Schoolwide and top 5% Targeted Assisted Title I schools in the state that have the highest absolute performance for the all-students group based on the current statewide assessment.
The following Glynn County schools were named in October 2023 as Title I Distinguished Schools for their achievements from the 2022-2023 school year:
- Greer Elementary School
- St. Simons Elementary School
- Glynn Middle School
A Title I National Distinguished School is one of two schools selected from the Schoolwide Plan Title I schools identified as Title I Distinguished Schools described above. All Schoolwide Plan Title I Distinguished Schools are invited to make an application for the National recognition.
St. Simons Elementary School was selected as one of Georgia's two Title I National Distinguished Schools for the 2019-2020 school year! Congratulations to the faculty, staff, and students of St. Simons Elementary on this prestigious honor!
A Title I Reward School is a Title I school among the 5% of Title I schools in the state that is making the most progress in improving the performance of the all-students group over the most recent two years on the statewide assessments.
More information about the Georgia Department of Education's Academic Achievement Program is available HERE.