CSI, CSI Promise, and TSI Schools
The criteria for identification of Title I schools for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Comprehensive Support and Improvement Promise (CSI Promise), and Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) are as follows:
CSI and CSI Promise Schools
When ranked according to their three-year CCRPI average, CSI schools are among the lowest-performing schools that represent 5% of all schools eligible for identification. A school may exit if the school no longer meets the lowest 5% entrance criteria AND demonstrates an improvement in the overall CCRPI score greater than or equal to 3% of the gap between the baseline CCRPI score (the three-year average that led to the school’s identification) and 100. This 3% improvement must be demonstrated from the highest of the three CCRPI scores used in the three-year average to the current CCRPI score. All high schools that have a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate less than or equal to 67% are identified as CSI. The school exits when its graduation rate exceeds 67%.
Additionally, CSI Promise schools are among the lowest-performing schools that represent greater than 5% to 10% of all schools eligible for identification, when ranked according to their three-year CCRPI average. The purpose of Promise Schools is to provide supports to these schools to sustain improvement or provide proactive supports before they fall into the lowest 5% CSI category. A school may exit if the school no longer meets the greater than 5% to 10% entrance criteria AND the school’s current overall CCRPI score is greater than the baseline CCRPI score (the three-year average that led to the school’s identification). Goodyear Elementary in Glynn County was identified in 2018 as a CSI Promise Shool, and data to determine exiting is analyzed annually.
More information from the Georgia Department of Education regarding CSI and CSI Promise schools is available HERE.
TSI Schools
TSI schools have at least one subgroup that is performing in the lowest 5% of all school in at least 50% of CCRPI components. The school exits if no subgroup is performing in the lowest 5% of all schools in at least 50% of CCRPI components. Currently, Glynn County has no schools identified as TSI schools.
More information from the Georgia Department of Education regarding TSI schools is available HERE.