Student Services » PBIS



Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports is a systematic process of teaching students expected behaviors in all settings throughout the school. It provides a framework of common language used by all school staff, including cafeteria workers and bus drivers. By continually teaching and acknowledging expected behaviors, school staff promote a positive school climate and decrease office discipline referrals for inappropriate behavior. 

The PBIS Division of the Georgia Department of Education has developed a recognition process to identify schools in Georgia that have been trained in School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SW-PBIS) and have met certain implementation criteria. Schools must be in a district with active support through a district leadership team, a district action plan, and district coordinator. Schools must have implemented PBIS for at least one school year to be recognized.

A SW-PBIS school is one that has met particular criteria and can demonstrate:

  1. Integrating PBIS into daily activities across all settings
  2. Utilization of data-based decisions to better serve their stakeholders
  3. Creative and engaging teacher and acknowledgement systems
  4. Collaboration with all stakeholders including parents
  5. Successful behavior outcomes to support academic engagement

To learn more about the behavior expectations and acknowledgement systems for teachers and students, please visit your child's school website.

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