2024-2025 Back 2 School Info Center » Electronic Back to School Packets

Electronic Back to School Packets

Our back-to-school packet will be paperless again this year. You will not receive a bound back-to-school packet from us at our Open House events. Instead, we ask that you complete the packet online.
You will receive an invite code from ParentSquare, our new school-to-home communication platform, via text and email to download the app before Open House on Aug. 5 and 6 . After downloading the ParentSquare app, you can click on the link to join the GCSS ParentSquare account and sign in to the app or website.
A link to the electronic back-to-school packet will be sent via text and email.
It is important that we have the correct phone number and email in our database (Infinite Campus), so please contact your school if you do not receive an invite.
We will gladly provide a hard copy of any of this information, just notify your child’s school and the documents will be provided to you. We look forward to welcoming our students back to the classroom on Wednesday, Aug. 7.