Instructional Resources » K-12 Language Arts/Reading/Writing

K-12 Language Arts/Reading/Writing

"If we want our students to become great readers and to be prepared to do the thinking that will be required of them in college and life, that’s what they must do.”


NCDPI K-12 English Language Arts Wiki Site - This wiki provides instructional resources for the NC K-12 English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. You will find various presentations and support documents that have been shared with teachers, administrative support and other stakeholders.

Common Core Curriculum Maps - ELA - Digital Resources - Free online resources and tools for creating, collaborating, researching, and sharing.

National Writing Project - The NWP focuses the knowledge, expertise, and leadership of our nation's educators on sustained efforts to improve writing and learning for all learners.

America Achieves - This resource contains example lessons and information about the EQuIP project. The resource is FREE - you will need to create an account and sign in to access the lessons and videos.

America in Class from the National Humanities Center - Collections of primary resources compatible with the Common Core State Standards — historical documents, literary texts, and works of art — thematically organized with notes and discussion questions.

Achieve the Core - The Common Core State Standards are a new set of expectations designed to ensure all students achieve college and career readiness. This site is here to provide free, high-quality resources to educators now doing the hard work of implementing these higher standards.