Student Support Team (SST) » Student Support Team (SST)

Student Support Team (SST)

What is a Student Support Team?

A Student Support Team (SST) is an interdisciplinary team that uses a systematic process to address learning and/or behavior problems of students, PK-12, in a school. The team will work together to identify the student’s educational strengths and instructional needs in order to develop strategies for the child’s teacher(s) to implement in the regular classroom. The process is mandated to be in all public schools in Georgia in state rule 160-4-2-.32.

Are parents involved in the process?

Yes. The state board rule specifically states that “parents/guardians shall be invited to participate in all meetings of their child’s SST and in the development of interventions for their child.”


What are the steps in the SST Process?

  1. Gathering of Information
  2. Assessment (screening tests), if necessary, and Evaluation of Data
  3. Development of Educational Plan
  4. Implementation of Educational Plan
  5. Evaluation of Progress
  6. Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation

Who makes up the SST?

Membership varies according to the needs of the student. Three is the minimum number of participants required by the state board rule. These may include an administrator, counselor, regular education teacher, special education teacher, school social worker, ESOL teacher, school psychologist, central office personnel, school nurse, and others as appropriate to address the needs of the student.


Who may request assistance from the SST?

The expertise of the SST is for the benefit of the entire school. Any unresolved problem that impedes learning may merit a request to SST by a teacher, administrator, parent, or student.


What kind of screenings may be recommended for my child?

Vision and hearing screenings are recommended for all students in the SST process since difficulties in these areas can have a profound impact on a student’s learning. Other screenings may include academic screenings by the counselor, behavior rating scales completed by the teachers, speech/language assessment by the Speech/Language Pathologist, or classroom observations. All screenings are conducted at the school free of charge.


Is parental consent required for screenings and evaluations?

Yes. Consent is required for any screening or evaluation in which a student is singled out from his or her peers, including hearing and vision screenings.


Can the SST refer students for evaluation for special education consideration?

Yes, but only after the following important decision criteria are met:

  1. that reasonable classroom interventions of sufficient duration have been carefully attempted, without success
  2. that the cause of the problem is suspected to be a disability that cannot be resolved without special education services

 It's also important to note that parents have the right to request an evaluation of their child at any time. 



Click here for GaDOE Guidance for MTSS and SST implementation during school closures due to the Global COVID-19 Pandemic.


Other Resources:

GaDOE Dyslexia Informational Handbook

GaDOE MTSS Framework

GaDOE Child Find Requirement

Vision and Hearing Screenings