TOTY Spotlight: Lori Mills

Lori Mills was named Teacher of the Year at Risley Annex. She has taught literature as a General Education Teacher, Special Education (SPED) Co-teacher, and a SPED Modified Curriculum Teacher at the high-school level. Here are some awesome things you should know.


Family: I have four kids, which includes a set of twins.

Who is your role model? My parents are my role models.  They are so sweet, kind and patient.

What is your greatest teaching memory? There are too many to pick from.

What is your favorite quote or personal motto? My favorite motto right now is "Always do your best." 
What is a fact about you that most people don't know? I read all the time. I take a book with me everywhere I go. You never know when you may have a few minutes to read!

Any hidden talents or hobbies? I love to take my youngest son surfing. It brings me great joy.