TOTY Spotlight: Kalee Gunter

Throughout the month of September, we will be introducing you to the 2023-2024 Glynn County Teachers of the Year.

Kalee Gunter was named Teacher of the Year at C.B. Greer Elementary School. She has taught math, science and social studies in third-, fourth- and fifth-grade. Here are some awesome things you should know.


Family: My amazing husband, Chris, and I have been married for ten years. We are incredibly fortunate to have two beautiful children, Beau Henry, who is five years old, and Harper, who is three. I am grateful to have a network of supportive parents and a tight-knit extended family as well.

Who is your role model? My mother is my role model. She always seems to know the answer to any problem and each of her answers is rooted in thought and experience. She is a great example of a Christian woman who strives to help others and show her faith through her works.

What book has most influenced you? The Bible.

What is your greatest teaching memory? I have a ton of great memories, it's hard to choose just one. But let me tell you about one of the coolest things I've seen as a teacher. Nothing beats the feeling of watching your students grow and fall in love with reading. When I was teaching kindergarten, I got to see my students learn how to read and it was amazing. Now that I'm teaching third grade, I get to introduce kids to all kinds of books and see what they're into. It's such an honor to be a part of their journey.

What is your favorite quote or personal motto? “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.” - Erma Bombeck
What is a fact about you that most people don't know? I was born premature with a lymphatic birth defect. I spent time in my childhood as an ambassador for the March of Dimes. 

Any hidden talents or hobbies? Well, if you ask my husband he will probably say online shopping. But I enjoy monogramming clothing for my children and my friends. As for talent, I make a great cream cheese pound cake.