Special Education Department Receives Prestigious Award

In December, Glynn County Schools was named a recipient of the Georgia School Boards Association's Leading Edge Award for its Mariner Life Program. This program is designed for Glynn County students who are between the ages of 18 and 21 with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, have completed four years of high school, and have participated in at least three years of job readiness training.

With the help of College of Coastal Georgia, these students are equipped with the necessary tools to transition from school to a work environment, with the added opportunity to experience college campus life and participate in various social events with their non-disabled peers.

Special thanks to Special Education Services & Supports Director Dr. Pam McKinnon, CCGA Vice President Dr. Jason Umfress, Mariner Life Teacher Cynthia Meining, and Mariner Life students, Brantley Kate, Cal and Abby, for sharing with us how this program is making a significant and positive impact on our students.